Guide for Authors

  1. A corresponding author should submit the manuscript as a word file formatted in font 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 line space, and 2.5 marginal space from each side. Or download direct template word file from the official website. All pages and lines should be continuously numbered.
  2. The manuscript, figures, and tables should be submitted on the official website of the journal that has been established by the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
  3. The Abstract should be in English and Arabic for authors that are from Arabic countries. The English abstract should not exceed 250 words. Arabic abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  4. We prefer manuscripts that do not exceed 30 pages including figures, and tables as described in article No.1.
  5. After acceptance, the author should fill a copyright application form that is required for available online publication.
  6. The scientific content is mainly the responsibility of the authors. 
  7. The author should sign a commitment form to ensure that “the articles submitted to AJAR should not be published or submitted in the same time anywhere else”
  8. The figures and graphs should be submitted in the format of jpg or tif (300-600dpi).
  9. The research article should be written in the following order:
  10. Title, authors, full names, authors’ affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion (or separate result section and separate discussion), conclusion, acknowledgment, references, and Arabic abstract (for native Arabic speakers).
  11. All cited references should be listed in the References List as in the attached Template File. In case of using software citations, please use Marine Biotechnology format.
  12. Submitted manuscripts out of the previously mentioned format neither are introduced the peer-reviewing process nor be considered for publication.
  13. An Acceptance Letter contains the date of submission to the journal, the acceptance date, and the published volume.
  14. All submitted paper will be sent to two peer reviewers. The editors can resend the manuscript to a third peer-reviewer in case of conflicting final decision.
  15. In case of minor or major revision, the manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author to address the comments of reviewers and editors.
  16. In case of the revision decision, the author should perform his revision by using the Track Change Option in the word file from the Review menu. Additionally, the author should send one by one authors’ response letter, contains a table, consisting of 2 columns (one column for the reviewer comments and another column for author response).
  17. The revised versions will be monitored by members of the director board.