Towards manufacturing of active and inactive pharmaceutical ingredients in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University,

2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University,

3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University,

4 Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University

5 Pharco Pharmaceuticals

6 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University

7 National Research Centre

8 Faculty of Pharmacy, British University in Egypt

9 Faculty of Pharmacy, AL-AZHAR University

10 Faculty of Science, Minia University


Reactivating the industry of pharmaceutical raw materials has  become a necessity for the national security of Egypt. The Egyptian citizen has to be encouraged to utilize the local drug products rather than the imported ones. One way to do this is via development of alliances between local drug companies and multinational corporations to launch API production required for generic medicines as alternatives for foreign drugs. Officially the government  should reconsider changing several rules and legislations to encourage pharmaceutical raw material industry.Examples of the state support  to national companies may be in the form of several actions such as  tax breaks , financial aid to build and/or to renovate depreciated units for API  industry and Issuing legislations regarding partnership with reputable foreign companies in API industry. The present road map strongly recommends the bridging between scientists in the universities / research institutions  and pharmaceutical companies in API research and development as appeared from SWOT analysis of [strengths, weakness and threats] in the current study. The road map focused on the role of Ministry of Health to reconsider legislations of drug registration, pricing and import regulations of raw materials in a way that encourages local manufacturing of drug raw materials. Needless to say that a site visit to  Al Nasr Company { a public sector facility that was founded in the sixties of the last century]  showed that the company still has an infrastructure that enables the company to return to API manufacturing with the help of the government to renovate units of API production.