Policy Options for Maximizing the Potential of Sudan's Date Palm Sector

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Center for Research, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Khartoum- Sudan.

2 Commission for biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, National Center for Research, Khartoum- Sudan.

3 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Nile Valley University, Sudan.

4 Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.

5 Sustainable Innovation Technologies Services Ltd, Ducart Suite, Castletroy, Ireland.


The date palm sector in Sudan is facing numerous challenges, including climate change, peace and economic revitalization, pests and diseases, lack of investment, poor market access, and weak institutional support. These challenges have resulted in low productivity and poor quality of produce. To address these challenges, Sudan needs to invest in the date palm sector by implementing targeted interventions, supported by relevant legislations in food security. This includes enhancing agricultural infrastructure and support, prioritizing research and development, promoting market promotion and export development, implementing quality control and certification measures, providing financial support and incentives, investing in data collection and analysis, investing in water management, promoting partnerships between different actors, providing farmers with access to finance and technology, enacting and enforcing legislation, strengthening marketing and quality control systems, promoting environmental sustainability, and developing and implementing policies and programs to support the sector. These efforts should be aligned with existing legislations in food security in Sudan. This comprehensive approach, which also focuses on peace and economic revitalization, is essential for the long-term sustainability of the date palm sector in Sudan. Without action, Sudan may face severe consequences such as worsened food security, economic decline, loss of competitive advantage, and increased poverty. Therefore, investment in infrastructure, market access, adoption of new technologies, political stability, and support for small-scale farmers, in line with relevant legislations, is crucial to maximize the sector's potential and ensure Sudan's food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. By taking these steps, Sudan can position itself as a leading producer and exporter of high-quality dates while improving the livelihoods of its farmers and contributing to sustainable agricultural development.
