A Proposed Framework for Analyzing the Quality of Community Life Associated with Tourist Activity to Guide Decision-Makers in Enhancing Urban Environmental Standards in Those Areas (Applied to the City of Kerdasa)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor in the Department of Environmental Planning and Infrastructure, Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.

2 Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Planning and Infrastructure, Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.


Today, most of the world's population lives in cities and urban areas. Therefore, the focus on urban quality of life is the main reason scientists have started using the term "quality of life in the urban environment" to discuss issues related to contemporary life in modern societies. Many studies are based on the idea that urban environmental characteristics and material conditions can impact residents' satisfaction with the quality of life in the urban environment (Bloch-Jorgensen, 2018).
The development and planning of urban communities are crucial for addressing their challenges. In the past, it was challenging to determine whether this development positively influenced the quality of life due to the lack of specific indicators. However, currently, approaches have been identified to analyze the elements of urban environmental quality. The quality of life approach is comprehensive, analyzing various factors reflecting the social, psychological, economic, urban, cultural, and environmental aspects of local residents to guide the assessment process and determine whether there has been a positive change or initiation of change in these communities towards sustainable development (Jones, 2002; Bloch-Jorgensen, 2018).
The research addresses the problem by identifying the main objective of revealing the integrated theoretical framework that includes the concept of quality of life in the urban environment. It explores tools, theories, and analytical approaches to understand the concept and issues of quality of life in the urban environment in tourist communities. The objective is to guide decision-makers when updating urban plans in these areas.
The research begins by examining the historical evolution of the concept of quality of life, then identifying the basic tools and theories for analyzing the quality of life in the urban environment. It discusses the importance of choosing the most suitable tool for analyzing the quality of life in the urban environment. The research then reviews key studies on the quality of life to determine the main topics when analyzing the quality of life in the urban environment. Finally, it identifies the suitable model for analyzing quality of life, the "Human-Place-Activity" model. This model is widely used in planning studies to analyze the relationships between place, activity, and people in achieving the quality of life, making it more relevant to urban planning and sustainable urban development. The research also reviews the global approaches to analyzing activity for quality of life in tourist communities. It aims to identify the most suitable approaches that guide the analysis of quality of life in these areas, taking into account their specificity as tourist activities. From there, the research proposes an interconnected framework for analyzing quality of life in tourist communities and tests the results by applying it to Kerdasa City, one of the cities known for its distinctive tourist activity. The analysis results show the success of the framework in analyzing the quality of life in the urban environment as a tourist area and its flexibility, allowing for changes in activity, which may change the approach guiding the quality of life analysis in these communities. This is one of the directed analysis methods for decision-makers in developing policies and mechanisms for sustainable urban development based on the challenges and changes in these areas.